How to take care of your pillow?

Everyone loves a peaceful night sleep after a long busy day. A good night sleep refreshes the body and is essential to our health. It might come to your surprise that your beloved pillow can harbor thousands of dust mites. Studies show that an average bed has about 1.5 million dust mites around it! Small beasts who feed on your dead skin sheds and cause allergy.

So, obviously taking care of your bed and keeping it clean is of great importance to your health. In this video, I’m going to share tips on how to take care of your pillow so it wouldn’t be the favorite house for the dust mites AND it would last longer.

1.    Keep your pillow clean

An average person sweats out half a pint each night! To make it worse, you should know we shed nearly 8 lbs of skin every year! So obviously, when we sleep during the night, a lot of sweat and skin shed are deposited into our mattress and pillow. So it’s necessary to keep your pillow clean. Experts recommend washing pillows at least twice a year. However, note that each pillow may need specific washing method to keep its quality. Do your research to make sure you know the best way to wash your pillow and remember, drying your pillow thoroughly before using it is important to prevent mold and mildew. Note that it is not recommended to wash foam pillows. And finally, if you want to get rid of the dust mites, freeze your pillow!

2.    Use pillow protectors

Pillow protectors are specifically designed to be placed between your pillow and your pillow case. They prevent or minimize dust mites getting into your pillows. Also, they reduce the amount of sweat, skin sheds and dust getting into to the pillow. Your pillow will last longer if it’s protected. But remember, even with using a pillow protector, a pillow will need a frequent wash. And don’t forget to wash your pillow protector when you wash your bed linens.

3.    Do not eat in your bed

Although breakfast in the bed is lovely, it is not recommended for keeping your mattress and pillow clean. Small food particles and bread crumbs falling on the mattress or pillow can be tasty food for the dust mites and although you clean after, some tiny bits may stay out of sight.